What the hell? Let's just do this!

 Through some more or less strange circumstances I finally landed here, my head filled to the brim with pretty much useless half-knowledge about this or that just waiting to burst open and fill this blog with words and sentences and posts. I'm not sure how that will work out, I'm not even sure how it will look. If I will be able to structure my babbling at all or if it will seem like a madman wrote what the voices told him on the walls of his apartment, much to the dismay of his landlord.

What I want to do here is constantly wobbling and changing and rearranging in my head. The only thing I'm sure about is that I want to talk about moving pictures. I love movies, I love TV series, I love video games and I love any kind of video with an artistic effort. And I want to share my love for this medium as it gives me so much joy and I couldn't help but notice that audiences today seem to get more and more cynical and tired of old tropes and clichès. Many people seem to have lost their sense of wonder and amazement for the medium and I want to try to bring something of that back. Maybe I'll succeed, maybe I'll get stomped into the ground for my naivety and for giving film makers too much credit. Who knows if anyone even will see this blog.

As to what I have in mind right now, I think I'll start with a short introduction of myself soon and try to convey what it is about the moving picture medium that I love so much. Maybe I'll sprinkle in some hints to what movies are about to come later in review form or as an analysis. But as my plans are constantly shifting nothing will be set in stone just yet. I'll go through whatever movie or game goes about in my head at that time and just bring some thoughts to paper. I won't develop a rating system or anything, just rambling on for a bit, maybe discuss some theories and point out what I liked the most and what was objectively brilliant. As I am trying to be the most positive person I can be, I won't post rants or detailed dissections of movie flaws. I'll leave that to CinemaSins.

So yeah I have no idea what I'm doing here, just some vague plans and constantly altering ideas. But I know that I have the urge to write down my thoughts for whomever finds them and maybe gets a couple of minutes of entertainment out of it or even finds a new former unknown gem for their collection. For now I'll just leave it at that, let's see when my first real post will come up.

Till then:

So long and thanks for all the fish!


  1. Nice!
    Congratulations on commencing this project, man!
    I look forward to reading your thoughts and reviews :)

    1. Hey, thanks man! :)
      I still have to figure out some things with the design and stuff but I've got some ideas what I will do next, so stay tuned.


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